January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011!

I can't believe how fast time flies once your "old".  I vividly remember being 12, 13, 14......and just counting the years, months and days until I would turn 16 so I could drive a car.  Then the countdown was on until I would turn 19 so I could get into the bars and drink legally.  After that it was a wait to turn 21 so I could legally do it in the states.  After 21, time has just literally flew. 

I used to wish it would just hurry up and fly by, but now I wish it would just slow down already.

2010 was an "OK" year for us.  Nothing extraordinary happened for us but nothing terrible happened either, and for that I am thankful.

Last year I didn't make any resolutions per say.  I was never good at keeping them so I thought, why bother.

This year, I've decided I'm making a wish list of what I'd like to achieve and things I'd like to do and see.  I'm going to document them here.  Some will be your "typical" resolutions and others will just be some fun things I'd like to experience.  Hopefully listing them here will be a good reminder for me so it won't be as easy to push them to the wayside.  We'll see.

Hopefully I'll be able to return and update this list with some fabulous lines drawn through at least 3/4 of my list.

At any rate, here is my wish list for 2011;

  1. Lose weight and get healthier.
  2. Commit to working out at least 4 days a week.
  3. Learn to like and accept myself, overweight or not.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Develop better eating habits.
  6. Buy a new lens for my camera
  7. Take at least 2 camera classes.
  8. Complete a picture challenge.
  9. Take some fabulous landscape photo's and create a wall collage.
  10. Take a yoga class.
  11. Take some kick boxing classes.
  12. Make a pie crust from scratch (just haven't been able to get this right yet).
  13. Go to the zoo.
  14. Go canoeing.
  15. Skip out on work and take a mental health day (haven't done this in probably 10 years).
  16. Change my hairstyle.
  17. See an outdoor concert.
  18. Get a manicure (I've never had one before).
  19. Take the time to visit my mom and dad more.
  20. Learn something new.
  21. Volunteer at least 3 times.
  22. Have a yard sale.
  23. Organize the basement and storage room.
  24. Never go to bed mad.
  25. Save money and pay off our existing debt.
That's all I can come up with now, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few.  Usually when I stop trying to remember things, that's when I remember, so I'll update when that happens. 

If you have any New Year's resolutions or "wishes", I wish lots of luck in reaching your goals!