June 10, 2011

Biggest Loser - Week 1 Results

The scale went in the right direction!  I am down exactly 2 lbs! 

I followed the Ideal Protein diet faithfully (except for the consumption of alcohol) all week after not having a successful weekend.  This diet is not easy but it does give you results.  I have to constantly remind myself of this every time I feel like sneaking something I shouldn't be eating.

When I first started this diet on March 31, my starting weight was 172 lbs, so to date I have lost 15.6 lbs!  I still need to lose around another 15 lbs but man, it's not easy! 

I have a very intense love for food.  I love cooking it, eating it, watching TV programs about and even day dream about it!  I also have a HUGE sweet tooth.  This is why most of my ideal protein products I have purchased are chocolate of some sort.  Chocolate protein shakes, chocolate pudding, chocolate/peanut butter bars and cookies and cream bars.  I'm pretty sure if these products weren't offered I wouldn't be doing so well.  No question.

Good luck to all my other Biggest Loser participants!  I hope your scale went in the right direction for you too!


Starting Weight - 158.4 lbs
Week 1 (June 10) - 156.4 lbs (1.26% loss)

June 3, 2011

Biggest Loser Challenge

I have joined a biggest loser challenge with 14 of my on-line friends.  These are girls I've "met" and got to know while planning my destination wedding 2.5 years ago - they are my fellow DW brides.  The challenge runs for 8 weeks, starting today June 3rd and ending July 29th.

I really need some extra motivation and accountability because, damn, these passed couple of weeks have been a complete bust!

For the last 2 weeks I have been horrible and not followed my Ideal Protein diet at all.  It's hard to believe I haven't gained more than 2 ounces.  Seriously.  How did I eat hot fudge sundaes, MacDonald's, Burger King, pizza, among many other poor food choices and not gain any weight?  Pure luck I think.

Well, this is about to change.  I still have another 15-20 lbs I would like/need to lose.  I hoping this challenge provides the support, encouragement and motivation that I have been so lacking lately.  A pot of $300.00 going to the winner always helps with motivation too! 

Good luck to all my fellow Biggest Losers!

Beginning stats;
June 3rd Starting Weight:  158.4 lbs

Weight Loss Center

May 20, 2011

Ideal Protein - Weigh In

I fell off the wagon this week.

This week I should just be REALLY thankful I didn't gain an ounce.  I'm still at 158.2 lbs.  How?  I have no idea.  I did not do well this week. 

Last Friday night I ate Burger King - a whopper combo to be exact.  Saturday I had barbecued ribs with a baked potato and drank a pile of rye and coke zero's.  Sunday was pancakes and syrup for breakfast, followed by MacDonald's for dinner. 

I did not attend one Pilate's class this week.

I had a a clubhouse sandwich followed by a hot fudge sundae for last nights dinner.


How............in God's name I didn't gain any weight is beyond me.  I really hope I can get back on track this week.  I'm grateful the numbers didn't go up but I still need to lose more weight. 

The above eating practices are not conducive to this goal.

Seeing this right in front of me in black and white is even worse. 

I hope blogging about the good, bad, and ugly all help me be accountable and keep going after fault.

Starting weight: 172 lbs (March 31, 2011)

Last weigh in: 158.2 lbs
This weeks weigh in: 158.2 lbs
This weeks weight loss:  0 lbs

Total weight lost: 13.8 lbs!

May 13, 2011

Ideal Protein - Weigh In

Well it has been a couple weeks since I've done a weigh in.  Since I was away the whole last week of April, that week didn't count - wink wink. 

Being on vacation at an all inclusive resort is not helpful to my diet - not terrible but not helpful.  At any rate, I'm pretty much back on track.  Although last weekend I did some pretty serious yard work and to avoid doing a face plant in a pile of dirt I ate some real carbs - fettuccine primavera in a cream sauce - SNAP!

Aside from the mis-doings on vacation and last weekend I've been able to stay on track.  Here are my most recent stats;

Starting weight: 172 lbs

Last weigh in: 160.2 lbs

This weeks weigh in: 158.2 lbs

Down 2 lbs!

Total weight lost: 13.8 lbs!

May 10, 2011

Back to Reality......

....leaving the warm sunshine, sandy beaches, all you can eat & drink behind. 

We returned on May 1st from an amazing vacation in Punta Cana, DR at The Majestic Colonial

My little sister chose this as the resort for wedding.  It was nothing short of perfect.


April 22, 2011

Ideal Protein - Week 3 Weigh In

Slowly but surely!  This week I lost another 4l bs!  I'm extremely happy and love that I'm going in the right direction.  My only disappointment is, I was not measured at my initial consultation.  I've lost a lot of inches, I just wish I knew how many.  I am now wearing shirts, jackets, pants, etc, that I haven't worn in 3 years!  I think I should start measuring now since I have another 15.2 lbs I'd like to lose.

Starting weight:  172 lbs
Last weeks weigh in:  164.2 lbs
This weeks weigh in:  160.2 lbs
Down 4 lbs this week!

Total weight lost: 11.8 lbs!

I won't be posting next Friday since we will be in sunny Punta Cana at a beautiful all-inclusive resort.  Needless to say I'm pretty confident the scale will be going in the "wrong" direction when I do return.  That's ok though, I will not be following the diet while I'm there.  I'll be partaking in all of that "free" alcohal, and gasp............I'm going to eat carbs!  I just hope I don't completely lose my mind!

April 15, 2011

Ideal Protein - Week 2 Weigh In

Well it's been 3 weeks since I began Ideal Protein.  Today was weigh in #2.  I still lost weight, but not the 3lbs I was hoping for.

Starting weight - 172 lbs
Last weeks weight - 166.2 lbs
Today's weight - 164.2 lbs
Down 2lbs from last week.
Total weight loss to date - 7.8lbs

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy!  I just got spoiled with the 5.8 lbs lost last week. 

I continue to do Pilate's 2x a week which I love!  I think I'm also gaining lean muscle too.  I have to say that I feel better and clothes fit better than when I weighed in the mid 160's before.  I think I can thank Pilate's for this.

The nutritionist keeps reminding me that muscle weighs about 3x more than fat, therefore the number on the scale is not what I should be solely focusing on - I agree!

April 8, 2011

Ideal Protein - Week 1 Weigh In

So last Thursday, March 31st, I decided to start a new diet - Ideal Protein.  This diet was developed by Dr. Chanh Tran Tien.  I've been contemplating it for months now and finally decided I was willing to dedicate myself and just do it!  But let me tell you, the first 4 days were rough!  Really rough.  I was so hungry and almost had myself convinced that it was a starvation diet.  I now realize my body was just detoxing from no sugar or carbs.  Day 5, 6 and 7 have been re markedly better and I'm actually feeling great!

Until now, I never realized how bloated carbs were actually making me.  For instance, now after I eat a dinner of chicken, vegetables and salad I feel full, but not that "gross kinda feelin' full" that I had become so accustomed to.   

So tonight was my first weigh in. 

My starting weight last week was 172 LBS (uggg).

After 7 days on Ideal Protein, my weight is now 166.2 LBS

I'm down 5.8 LBS!   

This makes me very happy!  Now I can only hope the scale continues to go in the right direction.  They say the biggest loss will come in your first week, I hope to see at least a 3 LBS loss next week though.

Here's some info on Ideal Protein if anyone interested;

Ideal Protein Explained
Ideal Protein FAQ's
How Your Body May Initially Respond
Tips Idea's and Suggestions

You can also visit the Ideal Protein website here or Dr. Chanh Tran Tien website here.

April 6, 2011

I'm Back....I Think....

Holy long time since I blogged!  I am a horrible blogger but I'm not going to quit.....I'm just going to try and get better.  Even if I could manage to post once a week I'd be happy, so for now, that will be my goal.

I've been really busy lately and need a vacation.  Thank god we are heading to Punta Cana soon for my little sis' wedding!  We're staying at The Majestic Colonial, which looks to be an absolutely beautiful resort.  Regardless, one week of sun, sand and free booze....it's perfect!

Last weekend was the bridal shower.  It was a lot of work but it was well worth it because she loved it.  Unfortunately I was so busy during the shower I didn't get a chance to take many pictures but here's the bride and her cake;

The last wedding related party before we depart is the guys stag.  I of course, don't have to attend, but since my hubby is the best man he is throwing the party and it's at our house!  Oye vay!  So, although I won't be there, I do have a lot of food prep and house cleaning to get done before Saturday at 7pm.

This wedding  vacation can't come soon enough!

January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011!

I can't believe how fast time flies once your "old".  I vividly remember being 12, 13, 14......and just counting the years, months and days until I would turn 16 so I could drive a car.  Then the countdown was on until I would turn 19 so I could get into the bars and drink legally.  After that it was a wait to turn 21 so I could legally do it in the states.  After 21, time has just literally flew. 

I used to wish it would just hurry up and fly by, but now I wish it would just slow down already.

2010 was an "OK" year for us.  Nothing extraordinary happened for us but nothing terrible happened either, and for that I am thankful.

Last year I didn't make any resolutions per say.  I was never good at keeping them so I thought, why bother.

This year, I've decided I'm making a wish list of what I'd like to achieve and things I'd like to do and see.  I'm going to document them here.  Some will be your "typical" resolutions and others will just be some fun things I'd like to experience.  Hopefully listing them here will be a good reminder for me so it won't be as easy to push them to the wayside.  We'll see.

Hopefully I'll be able to return and update this list with some fabulous lines drawn through at least 3/4 of my list.

At any rate, here is my wish list for 2011;

  1. Lose weight and get healthier.
  2. Commit to working out at least 4 days a week.
  3. Learn to like and accept myself, overweight or not.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Develop better eating habits.
  6. Buy a new lens for my camera
  7. Take at least 2 camera classes.
  8. Complete a picture challenge.
  9. Take some fabulous landscape photo's and create a wall collage.
  10. Take a yoga class.
  11. Take some kick boxing classes.
  12. Make a pie crust from scratch (just haven't been able to get this right yet).
  13. Go to the zoo.
  14. Go canoeing.
  15. Skip out on work and take a mental health day (haven't done this in probably 10 years).
  16. Change my hairstyle.
  17. See an outdoor concert.
  18. Get a manicure (I've never had one before).
  19. Take the time to visit my mom and dad more.
  20. Learn something new.
  21. Volunteer at least 3 times.
  22. Have a yard sale.
  23. Organize the basement and storage room.
  24. Never go to bed mad.
  25. Save money and pay off our existing debt.
That's all I can come up with now, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few.  Usually when I stop trying to remember things, that's when I remember, so I'll update when that happens. 

If you have any New Year's resolutions or "wishes", I wish lots of luck in reaching your goals!