April 6, 2011

I'm Back....I Think....

Holy long time since I blogged!  I am a horrible blogger but I'm not going to quit.....I'm just going to try and get better.  Even if I could manage to post once a week I'd be happy, so for now, that will be my goal.

I've been really busy lately and need a vacation.  Thank god we are heading to Punta Cana soon for my little sis' wedding!  We're staying at The Majestic Colonial, which looks to be an absolutely beautiful resort.  Regardless, one week of sun, sand and free booze....it's perfect!

Last weekend was the bridal shower.  It was a lot of work but it was well worth it because she loved it.  Unfortunately I was so busy during the shower I didn't get a chance to take many pictures but here's the bride and her cake;

The last wedding related party before we depart is the guys stag.  I of course, don't have to attend, but since my hubby is the best man he is throwing the party and it's at our house!  Oye vay!  So, although I won't be there, I do have a lot of food prep and house cleaning to get done before Saturday at 7pm.

This wedding  vacation can't come soon enough!

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