2011 Wish List

1.  Lose weight and get healthier.

2.  Commit to working out at least 4 days a week.

3.  Learn to like and accept myself, overweight or not.

4.  Quit smoking.

5.  Develop better eating habits.

6.  Buy a new lens for my camera - Bought a new Tamron 18-270!

7.  Take at least 2 camera classes.

8.  Compete in a picture challenge.

9.  Take some fabulous landscape photo's and create a wall collage.

10.  Take a Pilates class.  I now go to Pilates 2x/week!

11.  Take some kick boxing classes.

12.  Visit Pelee Island.

13.  Make a pie crust from scratch (just haven't been able to get this right yet).

14.  Go to the zoo.

15.  Go canoeing.

16.  Skip out on work and take a mental health day (haven't done this in probably 10 years).

17.  Change my hairstyle.

18.  See an outdoor concert.

19.  Get a manicure (I've never had one before).

20.  Take the time to visit my mom and dad more.

21.  Learn something new.

22.  Volunteer at least 3 times.

23.  Have a yard sale.

24.  Organize the basement and storage room.

25.  Never go to bed mad.

26.  Save money and pay off our existing debt.